About the author

Hi, my name is Anton, I'm an author of this blog and Full Stack Python Developer at SoftFormance.

Anton Linevych

Technology Stack

  • Python --- mostly have experience with Python 3+, using it for the wide range of tasks: from applied calculation and small scripts to writing the backend.
  • Django --- working with this framework for a long time, I'm not pretending to the perfect knowledge of all subtleties and nuances of it, but have enough experience in working on serious projects. Also have experience with Django CMS.
  • Django Rest Framework --- have experience in development REST API for semi-complicated projects.
  • HTML & CSS (LESS, SASS) & Bootstrap 3 --- not a pro-level, but cross-browser/mobile support it's not a big difficulty for me.
  • JavaScript --- for now working only with JQuery, basic level of knowledge.
  • Selenium --- writing UI test for Django project.
  • Bash/Zsh --- writing not complicated scripts for everyday use, if I need something more then few commands I will better avoid the headache and use Python instead :)
  • Docker --- not have experience with production but experimented enough.
  • LaTeX --- mostly use it to do my university paperwork, have a small project (Ukrainan) to solve my own tasks.


  • CI --- have epirience of introduction continious integration into the existing project, for now have expirience only Jenkins.
  • TDD --- writing unit and UI (Selenium) tests in Python for Django project.


  • Linux --- now using Gentoo Linux as main OS, have used Debian (2+ years) and Ubuntu (1+ year).
  • Git/Mercurial --- not a hacker but enough for everyday work.
  • NGINX --- basic level, can manually compile and setup any module or plugin if necessary. Has exprience with configurring it for Django (NGIXN + uWSGI).
  • Emacs --- operation system, applied editor, REST client, tool for editing config files remotely, basic knowladge of the Emacs Lisp
  • Inkscape --- website templates sketching, documents layout design, circuts/drawings.


  • Docker, CI/CD, automated deployment --- everything that automates routine process attracts me, that's why I interested in this time-saving technologies.
  • Open Source --- I'm trying to support if possible most of projects that I'm using.
  • Neural newtorks, Machine learning --- not have real expirience with it, but interested a lot.
  • Wikipedia --- translating articles from time to time for Ukrainan Wikpedia
  • Science --- physics, astronomy (becomes interested after reading book of Stephen Hawking --- "ABrief History of Time").
  • Sport --- gymnastics (have wathched all Olympic games since 2000).